Blog – Your Dream All-In-One Solution for Sample Processing: PrecisionPak

Wouldn’t it be convenient to have a simplified, end-to-end solution for your sample preparation – bundled with tubes pre-filled with beads for optimal homogenization and reagents to extract nucleic acids? Imagine having all necessary enzymes, additional reagents to purify your nucleic acids, and even an anti-foam agent included all in one kit. What if this kit led to amazing results too!

The PrecisionPak™ from Next Advance is all that and more. We provide a step-by-step protocol for your specific sample to make it easy for you to obtain great results.

For example, you might need a protocol specifically for RNA from mouse liver or DNA from C elegans. The protocol includes optimized homogenization conditions, examples of quantitative readings from NanoDrop™, and examples of qualitative data from agarose gel or Bioanalyzer.

Also good to know, results with these kits are comparable for a fraction of the cost of the leading Qompetitor.

The PrecisionPak use the latest technologies, such as magnetic beads, for extractions in less time and twice the convenience, with as good or better results than spin columns. No organic solvents are used so the procedure is safe and can be performed directly on a benchtop.

Next Advance has 1,500 variations of the PrecisionPak kits with even more available soon.