DNA Extraction from Plants

Bullet Blender for DNA Extraction from Plants

The Bullet Blender bead mill homogenizer efficiently prepares up to 24 samples for DNA extraction in just minutes. By utilizing patented striking technology, it thoroughly lyses samples, ensuring they are ready for downstream DNA extraction from plants. As a result, each sample is homogenized consistently, leading to high DNA yields and minimal variation between samples. For detailed preparation times and speeds, visit the protocols page.

PrecisionPak™ for Genomic DNA Extraction

The Next Advance Bullet Blender, paired with the PrecisionPak™, simplifies the homogenization and DNA extraction workflow, ensuring excellent results. Various packs are available, each tailored for DNA extraction from specific types of plant samples. This versatile kit is suitable for Arabidopsis, tree genetics, grasses, crop research, and more. In addition, the Plant DNA PrecisionPaks include DNA extraction reagents and FoamBlocker to reduce homogenate foaming. An optimized protocol for your specific sample is also provided.

Samples are easily loaded into the Bullet Blender tissue homogenizers
Bullet Blender Storm Pro Plant Homogenizer. Has a powerful motor to homogenize the toughest plant samples. Ideal for DNA extraction from plant matter.

For over a dozen years, the bead lysis kits in the PrecisionPak have been trusted and cited by researchers worldwide. These kits include a combination of bead sizes to ensure thorough tissue homogenization of samples including leaves, nuts and fungal samples. Simply add the plant material to the lysis kit tube and homogenize at the appropriate settings for optimal results. For detailed protocols and Bullet Blender settings, visit our protocols page.

Our DNA extraction kits are engineered to provide high yield and high-quality DNA. Designed for speed and efficiency, they outperform traditional spin-column methods. The DNA extraction process is simplified into three steps: lysis, precipitation of proteins and other unwanted biomolecules, and cleaning. Moreover, our kits use no organic solvents, ensuring a safer and more environmentally friendly approach.

Comparison of PrecisionPak Plant DNA extraction kit and “Aompetitor” kit. DNA from 30mg of plant leaves were extracted either using PrecisionPak or “Aompetitor” kit, following manufacturer’s instructions. Extracted DNA samples were run on a 1% Agarose gel. M – 1 kb ladder.

PrecisionPak Plant DNA extraction kit. DNA from either A. thaliana stems or M. phaseolina fungus samples were extracted using PrecisionPak. Extracted DNA samples were run on a 1% Agarose gel. M – 1 kb ladder.

Let Us Design Your Protocol for You!

We’ll give you a pre-optimized protocol that we GUARANTEE will homogenize your samples consistently and reproducibly.

Three tubes with unhomogenized mouse femur.
Three tubes with homogenized mouse femur.

If you purchase a Bullet Blender, you’ll get a 30-day money-back guarantee!

Try our protocol with no risk. We’re certain that you’ll love the Bullet Blender.