Bullet Blender for Protein Extraction from Tissue
The Bullet Blender bead mill homogenizer can efficiently prepare up to 24 samples for protein extraction in just minutes. Using patented striking technology, it thoroughly lyses samples, ensuring they are ready for downstream protein extraction from tissue. Each sample is homogenized consistently, resulting in high protein yields and minimal variation between samples. For detailed preparation times and speeds, visit the protocols page.
Protein Extraction from Various Samples
The Next Advance Bullet Blender simplifies the homogenization workflow for protein extraction while also providing excellent results. To enhance the process further, use our FoamBlocker to minimize foaming during homogenization.

For over a dozen years, the bead lysis kits in the PrecisionPak have been trusted and cited by researchers worldwide. These kits include a combination of bead sizes to ensure thorough tissue homogenization. Simply add your sample to the lysis kit tube and homogenize at the appropriate settings for optimal results. For detailed protocols and Bullet Blender settings, visit our protocols page.
Step 2: Protein Extraction
After homogenization, collect the homogenate and proceed with downstream protein applications. The extracted protein samples are ideal for various techniques, including SDS-PAGE, Western blotting, immunoprecipitation, and enzyme activity assays. Each of these methods allows for detailed analysis and characterization of your protein samples, ensuring robust and reliable results.
Myocardial activity of 3 oxidative enzymes. Using the Bullet Blender, you can extract native protein for activity assays.