Lysis Protocol and Extraction Protocol
Blueberry DNA Extraction in Microcentrifuge Tubes
Materials in PrecisionPak™
Supplied in the Kit:
Plant DNA Extraction Kit Contents | |
Solution LA (Lysing) | 60 mL |
Solution PA (Precipitation) | 15 mL |
Solution CA (Clean Up) | 30 mL |
To Be Supplied by User:
- Molecular Grade Water
- Add 500 μL of Solution LA into each lysis kit tube.
- Add 1-2 cm2 or 50 mg of plant material to the buffer-filled tubes.
- Set the Bullet Blender at speed 12, time 3 minutes and homogenize the samples. If using other homogenizer models, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for settings.
- Remove the tubes and visually inspect the samples to confirm complete homogenization (Figure 1).
- Remove approximately 500 μL of the homogenate from the lysis tubes and transfer to a new tube containing an equal amount of Solution LA.
- Add 100 μL of Solution PA to each tube and mix thoroughly by inversion.
- Centrifuge the samples at 10,000 RPM for 5 minutes to pellet the contaminants.
- Transfer 750 μL of the supernatant that contains the DNA into new tubes with 750 μL of Solution CA. Mix thoroughly by inversion and incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes.
- Centrifuge the solutions at 13,000 RMP for 7 minutes to pellet the DNA.
- Remove the supernatant with a 1 mL pipette.
- Re-spin the tubes briefly and remove any remaining supernatant with a 200 μL pipette.
- Add 30 μL of molecular grade water to the pellet.
- Allow the DNA to rehydrate for 10 minutes (about 20% rehydration) or overnight (100% rehydration).
- Analyze quality (OD260/OD280) and yield using a NanoDrop™ or other spectrophotometer and agarose gel.
- Isolated DNA can be stored at 4°C for up to a week or at -20°C for long term storage.